
One of the important aspects of real estate is the relationship that is developed between agent and client; this relationship is essential to a positive transaction. In this age of technology we spend more and more time pursuing what we are after on the internet, including our quest for the perfect home, and the only relationship that is fostered is our understanding or knowledge of search engines! Yet, as humans, we still have a need for that personal touch – someone to listen, to laugh with, to share with, to give us confidence and assurance, to provide us with a place to go to for answers and solutions. In days gone by, these interpersonal relationships were developed by spending time together, discussing our needs and interests, hours spent driving about looking at homes, learning each others likes and dislikes as we filled the time talking about things in common and even differences. But in today’s technologically driven world “blogs” are quickly becoming an avenue that leads us into the gate of understanding and development of that relationship. My blog is an introduction of my life to you… the things that are important to me, the people that move, mold and shake my life; things of my past, present and future. Learn about the ideas that define my character and make me a tenacious real estate agent, committed to ethical professional standards, and a sensitive nature concerned with the cares of my clients! Enter into my world and get to know me! Let’s take some time and get to know each other; my web sites are full of links and information to keep you up to date and informed, and if ever you have any questions just drop me an e-mail… or give me a phone call… or send up a flag and we’ll talk! Thank you for stopping by and allowing me the opportunity to share with you! It's my pleasure and I look forward to getting to know you in the future!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

A Tale of Two Granddaughters!

“A Tale of Two Granddaughters”

“It was the best of times… it was the worst of times… It is a far, far better thing that I do…” are of the most famous lines in English Literature, and so applicable in the life of a very loving Grandmother!
This year has already been full of wonderful things to look forward to! My oldest granddaughter has been preparing to graduate from college in Arkansas, while just a couple of states away the advent of the birth of my youngest grandchild was imminent. And, in California, I stayed in contact, excited about the prospects and anxious to celebrate both events. Yet, as with all best laid plans, life sometimes has ways of making our life travel arrangements challenging!
To say that I’m proud of my grand children would be an understatement! They all bring joy to my heart and fill my soul with pride as I watch them grow and mature, taking control of their lives and making decisions each day. But, this month, I find myself drawn to focus on two very special young ladies… my oldest and now, my youngest granddaughters, and the parallels of life. Just prior to my granddaughter’s graduation celebration my wonderful Mother who had been struggling with ill health took a major turn for the worst and left me with a wrenching decision to make… to remain by her side, and the longing to celebrate the dawning of my granddaughter’s future tugged at my heart! Finally, I made my hearts peace with my mother and then flew to celebrate the achievements of my granddaughter!
My oldest granddaughter is a woman of today! A woman of strength, a woman of character; confidant, competent, and capable! Secure in herself, intelligent and poised, looking forward to her future and all that the world holds for her! She has spent the last several years focused on higher education goals and with those goals met we gathered in a small town in Arkansas to celebrate that achievement as she graduated from college with a degree in Psychology. This was not an easy goal to obtain, as she struggled with the normal challenges that most college students face, but, additionally dealt with a minor learning disability. While never afraid of a challenge, she maintained a regular study load, and took on two jobs to help provide the necessary funds to complete her education; working as a dorm mother on campus, which we all know is a 24 hour a day job, and also working off campus in a local café as a waitress.
Her graduation celebration was moving and beautiful, and we enjoyed spending time together celebrating her achievements. Yet, hardly an underachiever, days after graduation, she packed up some warm clothes, and headed off to the Himalayas where she’s spending her summer volunteering her time and energies to the people of that region. Wow! What an opportunity and an adventure!
Barely back in town from the celebration of one granddaughter, we welcomed the arrival of my youngest son’s beautiful baby daughter! I was glued to my computer waiting for the first photos of that adorable baby girl, my newest and youngest granddaughter, and was quick to take them over to share with my mother! But, within days of her birth, her mother’s health was in distress, my son was overwrought with concern for both and I found myself jumping on a plane and rushing to be there and so after spending a few hours with my mother, again, unsure of her health, I rushed to celebrate the future of my youngest granddaughter!
Oh, we work so hard to come into this world… Her precious mother spent almost 12 hours in hard labor before they determined to do a C-section. This sweet little baby girl then began to cast her spell upon us; our hearts were filled with love for this adorable, little angel! While her mother continued to struggle with many complications, her father’s heart was wrenched with fear and concern of the medical issues, simultaneously filled with love and joy upon the arrival of his first child!
Oh, how a baby can grab a hold of your heart and inextricably entwine their very essence deep into your soul!
The best of times… the dawning of a future; the future for both. The oldest on the brink of adulthood, with so much before her… learning to love, deal with hurt, and to live as an adult, giving, caring and providing for others, learning to be an adult and the prospect of raising a family and delighting in the joys of professional success, learning from her failures and reveling in the opportunities to learn, grow, and pass on to those who she comes in contact with all the benefits of her maturity and experience! And, youngest at the beginning of her life, with all the experiences of learning before her… learning to walk, run, and dance; to eat sweets, talk sweetly, smile, play, love, hurt, and live!
The worst of times… the ending of innocence; the closure of a chapter in their lives… the setting in the life of my mother, as age and health slowly creep up on her and we face the day when we will thank her for the wisdom she has demonstrated to us, the life she has given to us and the lives of my beautiful granddaughters who are both beginning their own lives!
It is a far, far better thing that I do… to share in their lives! To demonstrate to them both, to all of them, the value of priorities! To share with them the benefits of hard work, consistency and dedication, to family, work and self!
Yes, life is an exciting adventure and a journey that is filled with many challenges. From my youngest granddaughter, Leah, just a few weeks old to my oldest granddaughter, Terra, 23 years old, this is what my life is all about!! How very thankful and blessed I am to have these very special young ladies as a part of it!

So, I got an email from my oldest granddaughter the other day… she’s climbing up to 16,000 feet level to spend several days with a monk in prayer and meditation… wow! What an experience and a memory! So exciting! But, of course! This is Life!

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